Saturday, November 21, 2009

Weekly Words 5

* irrelevant / = unrealated / I saw this word in my NOC.

* recruit / We have to recruit more person for fill 100 / I saw this word in my NOC.

* inedible / We can't eat / I saw this word in Sarah's comment.

* be sarcastic / Saying for indirect way / I want to use these words when I made a comment, so I use my dictionary and find it.

* invest / Goldman Sachs, Merrill Lynch, Morgan Stanley, Lehman Brothers, Bear Stearns were the most famous investment Bank 5 for Wall Street / I saw this word in some paper.

* intensive / Often we talk to someone who is lacking of speaking English than listening and writing, "You have to do intensive studying to speak English" / I found this word in Texas Intensive English Program. Until now, I didn't know what is intensive's mean.

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