Sunday, November 8, 2009

Weekly Words 3

* If you don't mind / When you get some agree from another person, you can use this words / I talked something to my roommate. At that time, I needed that means words. I use that If you be fine. But my cousin fixed my sentence. She said that If you don't mind is more useful than If you be fine.

* epidemic / Epidemic is a trand of disease or disease which has possible of infection / I found this word in my news of choice.

* encounter / Meet with each other accidentally / I want to use this word in my journal, so I found this in my dictionary.

* duplicate / People who was duplicated, called a human clone / I found this word in my news of choice.

* rather than / I prefer walking rather than riding. This sentence means walikng is preferer than riding. A rather than B = B than A / I wanted to use this means in my routine conversation, but I didn't think up that. So, I founded this words by using my dictionary.

* side effect / Opposite words of effect. Side effect is bader than ineffective. It is like minus / I found this word in my news of choice.

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