Friday, November 13, 2009

News Of Choice 5

Google Has A Plan For Safer,
More Useful Online Drug Ads

- Summary

Google and FDA had different opinion to apear drug's side effects on the website. Google didn't want to apear hole tings of drug's side effects on their website.

- Reaction

I don't care so much to drug's side effects, because every drug has side effects. Whenever we take some drug, we have to endure some risk. It's very natural, so I understand enough to Google's reaction. They don't have to do to apear hole things. It is OK to just warnning, like now Google's done.

- Source


  1. FDA = Food and Drug Administration. It's the US Government's organization to protect people from bad drugs and food. The FDA requires that ALL prescription drugs (drugs that are ok, like aspirin) MUST list the drug's side effects in drug advertisements.
    Google doesn't like this law, and Google is actually breaking the law by doing it their own way. But the FDA (the government) can't do anything because there is no law for the internet.

  2. Ah... so, maybe I misundersood exactly.
    FDA isn't company and isn't doing something bad. Just Google and FDA have different opinion to apear drug's side effects on the website... right ?

  3. You got it. That's exactly the issue.

    The FDA is very important for regulating food and drugs in the US. If I want to test a drug on humans or animals, I must pass FDA tests first. So the FDA's rule says that drug advertisements MUST list bad side-effects. But Google doesn't want to do this because it takes up too much space on a web page. This debate is in the courts now to decide what Google must do.

  4. I rewrote my summary and reaction. FDA is very important organization than I thought. I made big mistake. Thank you Sarah.

  5. Wow, Annie! You didn't have to do that, but it's great you did! I've enjoyed this discussion a lot though.

  6. Wow Google is pretty big. The bottom line for Google to propose FDA is to make money but whatever the reasons are, people pay attention to an ad on Google and if they advertize a good drugs for people, then it is all good.
