Thursday, November 5, 2009

News Of Choice 4

Swine Flu Sweeps Through Austin, Hitting The Young

- summary

Swine Flu, a worldwide epidemic, arrived Austin and it killed two teenagers already. But it is not serious as you think. Because there are some treatment like Tamiflu. And it get better when you take some break.

- Reaction

I surprised. Because 15-year-old Helen Burnett's symptoms are exactly same to mine. Yesterday, I had a headache, some stomach pain and all-around didn't have much energy too!! Maybe.. did I take a Swin Flu on yesterday? I'm not sure, but it's really similar. Now I feel better, but still little haedache remaind. But it's okey to homework... Just I feel little scary.

- Source


  1. wow I am surpris. Austin is one of those hot spots. This is my first hear. Because I never saw people talking about and not body wear gauze mask.

  2. This article is so similar my article. It means the swine flu is problem in all of world. In Korea, young boy died for this disease. It happened three days later he knew his disease. It is so danger, but it have treatment. It is so so nice.

  3. Wow, Is it true? Two people died in Austin by swine flu.. It is emergency. I'm worried. I think I have to prevent me from swine flu!! And be careful you,too^^
