Sunday, October 25, 2009

News Of Choice

Blood Banks Target High School Donors

- Summary

Faced with a need for deeper blood reserves, blood banks are stepping up their recruitment in high schools. To help make donating blood a positive experience for teens.

- Reaction

During read this article, I thought my highschool days. In Korea, almost highschool students are checked their blood for donation. I was too. At that time, I felt little nervous, but I really want to have experience of blood donation. Because I know this is worthwhile. In the end, I couldn't. I don't know why but just I knew that my blood was not suitable. Anyway, I am agreeing that blood donation is good experience for high school student. But In the other hand, It means that adult's donation is too short. It's pretty sad. Maybe It is not different from my country.

- Source


  1. In Japan blood is not enough everyday, this meets any blood type. So we can often see a blood bank or mobile blood bank in many towns.
    And more conpany, school, university and so on is having blood bank because of lacking in blood.
    So I agree this action. It is important that blood bank is close to us.

  2. This news so sad. Theseday adult's blood donation rate is so law. I think this is every country's problem. But we can solve this problem! We have to blood donation. It is not hard!
