Friday, October 30, 2009

News Of Choice 2

Sexy Wins Halloween Costume Contest

- Summary And Reaction

Although it's the political season, almost people choose a sexy costume for Halloween. But there is one exception, North Korean leader Kim Jeong-il. Kim Jeong-il is very popular. It's very interesting that Kim Jeong-il costume is popular. Of course, it was a satire. Anyway, this Halloween is the first holiday after I came to USA. So, I really expect to this Saturday. When I have a chance, I want to challenge political costume, like Kim Jeong-il.

- Source

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Weekly Words

* jumbo / means very large / When I went to HEB, I found some eggs for eating. Jumbo is painted on egg's pack. Untill now I thought jumbo is Japanese.

* indentation / The space at the beginning of a line of writing when it starts further away from the edge of the paper than all the other lines / In classes I heard it. But I didn't understand indentation's meaning, so I choose. Now I understand it.

* nightmarish / If you describe something as nightmarish, you mean that it is extremely frightening and unpleasant / In Sixflag, I saw a signboard. Nightmarish was in there. I could guess it's meaning, because of it's surrounding environment.

* harvest / the time of year when the crops are gathered in on a farm, etc / When I took a bus, I saw a signboard on the street. Although it's a moment, I read it. I thought it's like herbal, but it's meaning was very different.

* slave / someone who is the property of another person and has to work for that person / In Gladiator I saw this word.

* recruitment / The recruitment of workers, soldiers, or members is the act or process of selecting them for an organization or army and persuading them to join / When I choose my news, I saw this word. Recruitment was one of keyword on my news.

News Of Choice

Blood Banks Target High School Donors

- Summary

Faced with a need for deeper blood reserves, blood banks are stepping up their recruitment in high schools. To help make donating blood a positive experience for teens.

- Reaction

During read this article, I thought my highschool days. In Korea, almost highschool students are checked their blood for donation. I was too. At that time, I felt little nervous, but I really want to have experience of blood donation. Because I know this is worthwhile. In the end, I couldn't. I don't know why but just I knew that my blood was not suitable. Anyway, I am agreeing that blood donation is good experience for high school student. But In the other hand, It means that adult's donation is too short. It's pretty sad. Maybe It is not different from my country.

- Source

Thursday, October 22, 2009

About Gladiator

I thought that dirt's meanig is expression of anger. Maybe, he couldn't endure his anger, because of German army's senselessness behavior. Also, at that time, he really missed his hometown. In conclusion, he couldn't endure anymore. So, he express his anger with earth. That behavior means that the war is unavoidable.

Hi I'm Annie

Hi, my name is Annie. I like drowing, but not well. So, I choose another major, international trade. My major need to student's good English skill. But my English skill is terrible. So, I want to grow up my English ability during stay here. Also, If I have some composure, I want to learn Spanish too. When I think my future, I feel very exiting.