Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Weekly Words 6

* window / In the bank, if you want to withdraw, you have to find a cashier’s window / When I went to the HEB for make money order, I saw this word in front of the geust center.

* securable / you can safty or you can get something / I saw this word in my home key. This home key is card shape, and one side has this word with bold.

* division / Line which make a section / I saw this word in my home key too. It has a division.

* feel both A and B / If you are feeling both emotion, you can use this words / When I wrote my reaction, I want to use that expression, so I find this words by using my dictionary.

* blockhead / a stupid man / I found this word in one word's definition.

* jobsword / A hardhead public service worker who put the rule first / I want to find another words(soundcraft, chatsworth), but they wern't including in my dictionary, so I chose another word near from that word in my dictionary.

Monday, November 30, 2009

Article's Comment

'Oprah Winfrey Show' To Go Off The Air In 2011

Although I didn't know well about Winfrey and this show, I have known her and her show. Also, her image in my brain was good too. That much, she and her show would be famous and get old. So, how could you this feeling empty when her show to go off? I didn't saw her show usally, but I'll feel both sorrow and empty too.

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Weekly Words 5

* irrelevant / = unrealated / I saw this word in my NOC.

* recruit / We have to recruit more person for fill 100 / I saw this word in my NOC.

* inedible / We can't eat / I saw this word in Sarah's comment.

* be sarcastic / Saying for indirect way / I want to use these words when I made a comment, so I use my dictionary and find it.

* invest / Goldman Sachs, Merrill Lynch, Morgan Stanley, Lehman Brothers, Bear Stearns were the most famous investment Bank 5 for Wall Street / I saw this word in some paper.

* intensive / Often we talk to someone who is lacking of speaking English than listening and writing, "You have to do intensive studying to speak English" / I found this word in Texas Intensive English Program. Until now, I didn't know what is intensive's mean.

Friday, November 20, 2009

News Of Choice 8

'Oprah Winfrey Show' To Go Off The Air In 2011

- Summary

The Oprah Winfrey Show, a groundbreaking broadcast that is countinued more than 20 years, will be end in 2011.

- Reaction

It is really respectable that one person lead to show for big sucsess. Also, from this show, she would be a billionaire and most influential person in the world. Although I don't know so much about her and her show, I knew always she lookes comfortable and confidently on TV show. More than 20 years.. In Korea, there is one sentence "Passing one decade makes changing of mountain". According to this sentence, while The Oprah Winfrey Show was broadcast, US's mountain was changed twice. That much, she went through very long times with Americans. Maybe this news makes Americans feel both sorrow and empty.

- Comment Summary

Congratulate for her achievements. / This is not my interest.

- Source

Thursday, November 19, 2009

News Of Choice 7

Sounds During Sleep May Help You Remember

- summary

If we heard some sound while we sleep, we can remember something ,is connected sound, better than wake up.

- Reaction

Today, of course, The scientest have been studing about unconsciousness very hard, but it is still the unknown world to us. So whenever I heard about unconsciousness like this article, I feel very exciting. Besides, it helps to our remember! Someday, can we explain our unconsciousness world to clearly?

- Comment Summary

It is old news because today we have lot of products for our sleeping time. / Yes, we have, but this article explained exactly what does work during sleep. In that regard, this is not an old news.

- Source

Monday, November 16, 2009

Weekly Words 4

* pitch / establish something or thow something / I saw this word in my News Of Choice.

* slap / refuse or blame something / I saw this word in my News Of Choice.

* pharmaceutical / pharmaceutical company makes drug / I found this word in my News Of Choice.

* crackdown / If you did drunk drive, you have to accept meekly for general crackdown / I saw this word in my News Of Choice.

* stern / = strict / I saw this word in my News Of Choice. NOC #5 has many strange words, so I felt I have to do more and more effort.

* In that regard / If you want to elicit conclusion from forward sentence, you can use this words / I wanted to use this words in my reaction, so I found this expression in my dictionary.

Friday, November 13, 2009

News Of Choice 6

In South Korea, Nation Stops For Mega Exam

- Summary

A huge exam, determine one student's life, was held in South Korea, so in this morning, everyone ecxept students stopped temporarily for a candidate of this examination.

- Reaction

When I read this article, I fell down a tear. Because I felt that times feeling again. Scene is described in this article, is too similar to mine. At that time, I have felt very nervous and my family have cheered to me. Although I go through a lot of years, I can't forget that time's memory. Whenever I think up that time, my eyes filling with tears. But I don't want to suffer that time again.

- Source